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Monday 17 February 2014

Listen to the Readers

E-Book Formatting FairiesI Came across this interesting little survey based on 'Readers Habits & Preferences'.  

I found it on a blog called e-bookformattingfairies.blogspot . I've included the opening paragraph and an example of the 44 questions. 

You can follow the above link to read the questions and answers in full, or look at the summary and conclusion. It really does make interesting reading if you're an author trying to build up your own marketing brand.


The Readers Sound Off! How They Read, What They Like and Where They Find Us

By: Marie Force
New York Times, USA Today and Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author
I’ve recently concluded the first of what I hope will be a regular reader survey. Putting a finger on the pulse of the customer is always a good idea in business, and our business is no exception. I drafted the questions with the help and input of numerous other authors who took advantage of the opportunity to ask some of their most burning questions.
The survey was conducted from June 1-30, 2013, via Survey Monkey, and as many as 2,951 people replied to most of the 44 questions formulated by myself and more than a dozen other authors.

Example questions:- 
*Do you prefer to read kindle, paperback? 
*Are you more or less likely to buy a self-published book from a known-to-you author? 
*What is your primary source of information about books? with answers such as FB, Goodreads Blogs 
*How often has a free book introduced you to a new author you wouldn't have tried without the free offering?etc.  

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